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日期:2020年10月27日     作者:向国菲     来源:      点击:[]







创业之前,14年1月至15年7月,戴博士就职于联想香港研究院,任图像与视觉计算实验室经理和高级研究员。12年10月至13年12月,戴博士就职于北卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校计算机系任研究员,与Henry Fuchs教授合作,从事虚拟现实增强现实及遥交互研究工作。戴景文分别于2012年9月和2009年3月毕业于香港中文大学和上海交通大学,获博士和硕士学位。戴博士发表学术论文超过15篇,中国发明专利授权5项,美国发明专利授权7项。

Tittle: Mixed Reality: Starting from Spatial Interaction

Abstract: Mixed reality is about to change how people observe the world, how they connect to the world, and how they interact with the world. Mixed reality will become a powerful tool to bring efficiency to many vertical domains like industry, medical and education. In this talk, I will share our latest trials of Ximmerse in mixed reality and spatial interaction.

Short Bio:

Dr. Dai Jingwen has more than 10 years' research and development experience in the domain of computer vision, and its applications in human-computer interaction, virtual/augmented reality. Now, Dr. Dai is co-founder & Chief Technology Officer of Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. (aka. Ximmerse). From January 2014 to July 2015, Dr. Dai worked as Manager & Advisory Researcher in Image and Vision Computing Lab (IVCL), Lenovo Research, Hong Kong. From October 2012 to December 2013, Dr. Dai was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in BeingThere Center, Department of Computer Science in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in collaboration with Prof. Henry Fuchs (Member of NAE, Fellow of AAAS, ACM and IEEE). In September 2012 and March 2009, Dr. Dai received his PhD degree and M. E degree in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shanghai Jiao Tong University respectively. Dr. Dai has published more than 15 academic papers in top journals and conferences, and has 5 CN patents and 7 US patents.


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