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专业: 电力系统及其自动化

方向: 新能源电力系统和交直流电网的稳定性分析与控制;人工智能技术在电力系统中的应用

Email:[email protected]

地址: 成都市一环路南一段24号四川大学基教A215

邮编: 610065

学术成果:截止2019年9月,已出版英文专著 2 部,中文专著3部;申请美国发明专利 1 项,授权或申请中国专利9项;已发表 SCI期刊论文66篇(其中IEEE汇刊论文35篇)。







1998年9月至2002年7月 河海大学 获工学学士学位

2003年9月至2006年4月 河海大学 获工学硕士学位

2006年10月至2009年11月 University of Bath, U.K Electronic & Electrical Engineering 获工学博士学位 (导师: DR. ROD DUNN)


2003年至2006年 河海大学 实习讲师

2006年至2009年 University of Bath, Bath, U.K Research Officer

2009年至2012年 The Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, U.K. Research Fellow

2012年至2013年 Brunel University Research Fellow

2013年至2018年 华北电力大学 副教授、教授

2019年至今    四川大学 特聘研究员



[1] 国家重点研发计划,多换流站与交直流混联电网稳定控制理论与技术,2017-2022;

[2] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:风电场虚拟惯性控制影响电力系统功角稳定性机理的研究,2015-2017;

[3] 中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目,风电场虚拟惯性控制的研究,2015-2016;

[4] 国家电网公司科技项目,大规模柔性输电装置接入对江苏特高压交直流电网的影响研究,2015-2016;

[5] 国家电网公司科技项目,川藏联网及西北弱交流系统安全稳定特性及控制技术研究,2015-2016;

[6] 国家电网公司科技项目,基于多维度风光特性的新能源基地联合规划方法研究,2015-2017;

[7] 国家电网公司科技项目,多端柔性直流输电故障分析及保护控制研究,2015-2016;

[8] 国家电网公司科技项目,考虑资源时空特性的大型新能源发电基地功率控制技术研究,2014-2015;

[9] 国家973项目,新能源电力系统结构与新型输电方式,2013-2016.


[1]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang,Power System Small-signal Angular Stability Affected by Virtual Synchronous Generators, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, early excess, 2019

[2]W Du, Bixing Ren, H F Wang and Yang Wang, Comparison of Methods to Examine Sub-synchronous Oscillations Caused by Grid-connected Wind Turbine Generators, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, early excess, 2019

[3]W Du, Guoyun Su, H F Wang and Yining Ji, Dynamic Instability of a Power System Caused by Aggregation of Induction Motor Loads, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, early excess, 2019

[4]W Du, Wenkai Dong and H F Wang, A Method of Reduced-order Modal Computation for Planning Grid Connection of a Large-scale Wind Farm, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, early excess, 2019

[5]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang, Damping Torque Analysis of DC Voltage Stability of a MTDC Network for the Wind Power Delivery,IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, early excess, 2019

[6]Wenjuan Du, Zijing Zhen and Haifeng Wang, The Subsynchronous Oscillations Caused by an LCC HVDC Line in a Power System under the Condition of Near Strong Modal Resonance, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2019.2, 34(1):231-240

[7]J Cao, W Du and H F Wang, Optimal sizing and control strategies for hybrid storage system as limited by grid frequency deviations, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2018.9, 33(5): 5486 - 5495

[8]W Du, Jingtian Bi and H F Wang, Damping degradation of power system low-frequency electromechanical oscillations caused by open-loop modal resonance, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2018.9, 33(5):5072 – 5081

[9]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang, Open-loop modal coupling analysis for a multi-input multi-output interconnected MTDC/AC power system, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2019.1, 34(1):246-256

[10]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang, Concept of Modal Repulsion for Examining the Subsynchronous Oscillations Caused by Wind Farms in Power Systems, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2019.1, 34(1):518 – 526

[11]W Du, Yang Wang and H F Wang, Concept of modal repulsion in examining the sub-synchronous oscillations in power system, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2018.7, 33(4):4614-4624

[12]W DuJ BiJ Cao and H F Wang, A Method to Examine the Impact of Grid Connection of the DFIGs on Power System Electromechanical Oscillation Modes, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016.9, 31(5):3775-3785   

[13]W Du, H F Wang, J Cao and L Y Xiao, Application of the phase compensation method for the design a DC/AC converter based stabilizer to damp inter-area oscillations, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2012.8, 27(3):1302-1310

[14]W Du, Xiao Chen and H F Wang, A method of open-loop modal analysis to examine the SSOs in a multi-machine power system with multiple variable speed wind generators, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2018.7, 33(4):4614-4624, 4297-4307

[15]W Du, Chen Chen and H F Wang, Subsynchronous interactions induced by the DFIGs in power systems without series compensated lines, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, 2018.7, 9(3): 1275-1284

[16]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang,Sub-synchronous oscillations caused by open-loop modal coupling between VSC-based HVDC line and power system, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2018.7, 33(4):3664-3677

[17]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang,Small-signal stability of an AC/MTDC power system as affected by open-loop modal coupling between the VSCs, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2018.5,33(3):3143-3152

[18]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang,Comparing AC dynamic transients propagated through VSC HVDC connection with master-slave control versus DC voltage droop control, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, 2018.7, 9(3):1949-3029

[19]W Du, Qiang Fu and H F Wang, Method of open-loop modal analysis for examining the subsynchronous interactions introduced by VSC control in an MTDC/AC power system, IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, 2018.4, 33(2):840-850

[20]W Du, X Chen and H F Wang, Power system electromechanical oscillation modes as affected by dynamic interactions from grid-connected PMSGs for wind power generation, IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, 2017.6, 8(3):1301–1312

[21]W Du, X Chen and H F Wang, Strong dynamic interactions of grid-connected DFIGs with power systems caused by modal coupling, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2017.11, 32(6):4386-4397

[22]W Du, Xiao Chen and H F Wang, Impact of dynamic interactions introduced by DFIGs on power system electromechanical oscillation modes, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 2017.11, 32(6):4954-4967

[23]W Du, X Chen and H F Wang, PLL-Induced Modal Resonance of Grid-Connected PMSGs With the Power System Electromechanical Oscillation Modes,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2017.10, 8(4):1581 – 1591

[24]S Q BuW DuH F Wang Y Liu and X Liu, Investigation on Economic and Reliable Operation of Meshed MTDC/AC Grid as Impacted by Offshore Wind Farms, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017.9, 32(5):3901-3911     

[25]Y Liu, W Du, L Xiao, H F Wang, S Q Bu and J Cao, Sizing a Hybrid Energy Storage System for Maintaining Power Balance of an Isolated System With High Penetration of Wind Generation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016.7, 31(4):3267-3275

[26]J Cao, W Du and H F Wang, Weather-Based Optimal Power Flow With Wind Farms Integration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016.7, 31(4):3073-3081       

[27]J Cao, W Du and H F Wang, An Improved Corrective Security Constrained OPF for Meshed AC/DC GridsWith Multi-Terminal VSC-HVDC, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016.1, 33(1):485 - 495

[28]J Cao, W Du, and H F Wang, An Improved Corrective Security Constrained OPF With Distributed Energy Storage, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016.3, 31(4):1537-1545

[29]Y Liu, W Du,L Xiao and H F Wang,A Method for Sizing Energy Storage System to Increase Wind Penetration as Limited by Grid Frequency Deviations, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016.1, 31(1):729-737


[1] H F Wang , W Du, Analysis and damping control of power system low-frequency oscillations,Springer US, 2016, ISBN 978-1-4899-7696-3

[2] W Du, H F Wang and S Q Bu, Small-signal stability analysis of power system integrated with variable speed wind generators,Springer US, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-94168-4

[3] 杜文娟,王海风,电力系统低频振荡阻尼转矩分析理论与方法,科学出版社, 2015.3,ISBN9787030437464

[4] 杜文娟,王海风,电力系统低频振荡模式分析理论与方法,科学出版社,2017.1,ISBN9787030506092

[5] 杜文娟,王海风,电力系统宽频振荡开环模式谐振原理与分析方法,科学出版社,2018.10,ISBN 978-7-03-058112-9


本领域权威期刊IET Renewable Power Generation的Associate Editor(2014年起)



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