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2022/08-今,四川大学,DB彩票 ,特聘副研究员




2019/07-2019/09,丹麦奥尔堡大学,能源科技,访问学者,导师:Prof.Zhe Chen





















9. 国网四川省电力公司经济技术研究院,基于气象因素敏感性的四川多维空调负荷特性理论和实证研究,2024/05-2026/12,参与


11. 国网四川省电力公司经济技术研究院,面向超大城市电力保供的需求侧海量灵活资源高效聚合市场机制研究,2023/12-2026/06,参与

12. 国网四川省电力公司经济技术研究院,新农村电气化建设的发展路径规划及运营关键技术研究,2023/12-2026/06,参与



  1. 中国电机工程学会电力数字孪生应用专业委员会第一届委员会委员

  2. 《电力建设》期刊第二届青年编委

  3. IEEE PES China电网运行控制技术分委会副秘书

  4. 《电工技术》期刊第六届编委会委员

  5. 2024 国际会议IEEE Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium, Session Chair

  6. 2023SCI期刊Energies (Special Issue on Modern Power System Stability and Optimal Operating), Guest Editor

  7. IEEE--2023 The 5th Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium (AEEES 2023)最佳青年科学家奖

  8. 《四川电力技术》期刊2022-2023年优秀审稿专家

  9. 2023年国际会议The 5th Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium, Oral Session Chair

  10. 2021 国际会议The 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Student Program Chair

  11. 2021 SCI期刊IET Renewable Power Generation (Special Issue on: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Systems), Guest Editor

  12. 2021 SCI期刊Frontiers in Energy Research (Special Issue on: Planning and Operation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems) , Co-ordinator

  13. 2020 国际会议IEEE Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium, Keynote Session Chair

  14. 2019 国际会议IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia 2019, Oral and Poster Session Chair

  15. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, IET Renewable Power Generation等中科院一区、二区Top期刊以及国际会议审稿人



发表论文50余篇,入选ESI 高被引1篇,入选 IEEE 国际会议最佳论文奖6篇、最佳海报2篇,近三年部分成果如下:

  1. Qiang Lei, Yuan Huang, Xiao Xu*, Feng Zhu, Yuyan Yang, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Optimal scheduling of a renewable energy-based park power system: A novel hybrid SDDP/MPC approach, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2024, 157:109892.

  2. Yuyan Yang, Xiao Xu*, Li Pan, Junyong Liu, Jichun Liu, Weihao Hu, Distributed prosumer trading in the electricity and carbon markets considering user utility, Renewable Energy, 2024, 228: 120669.

  3. Yuyan Yang, Xiao Xu*, Li Pan, Junyong Liu, Jichun Liu, Weihao Hu, Distributed prosumer trading in the electricity and carbon markets considering user utility, Renewable Energy, 2024, 228: 120669.

  4. Yi Liu, Xiao Xu*, Youbo Liu, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Nan Yang, Shafqat Jawad, Zhaobin Wei, Scenario-based operation of an integrated rural multi-energy system considering agent-based farmer-behavior modeling, Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 304: 118204.

  5. Yuyan Yang, Xiao Xu*, Yichen Luo, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Distributionally robust planning method for expressway hydrogen refueling station powered by a wind-PV system, Renewable Energy, 2024, 225: 120210.

  6. Yuan Huang, Xinyu Fan, Xiao Xu*, Junyong Liu, Lixiong Xu, Zengjie Sun, Fault recovery of integrated energy system considering electric-gas coupling characteristic and robust chance-constrained power balance, Electric Power Systems Research,2024, 227: 109979.

  7. Dongchuan Fan, Youbo Liu, Xiao Xu*, Xiao Shao, Xiaoyun Deng, Yue Xiang, Junyong Liu, Economic operation of an agent-based virtual storage aggregated residential electric-heating loads in multiple electricity markets, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 454: 142112.

  8. Yi Liu, Xiao Xu*, Youbo Liu, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Nan Yang, Shafqat Jawad, Zhaobin Wei, A multi-agent decision-making framework for planning and operating human-factor-based rural community, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 440: 140888.

  9. Yi Liu, Xiao Xu, Youbo Liu, Junyong Liu, Nan Yang, Shafqat Jawad, Yuyan Yang, Zhaobin Wei, Grid abandonment potential of photovoltaic and storage-based system in China, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2024, 155: 109414.

  10. Yunying Qi, Xiao Xu*, Youbo Liu, Li Pan, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Intelligent energy management for an on-grid hydrogen refueling station based on dueling double deep Q network algorithm with NoisyNet, Renewable Energy, 2024, 222: 119885.

  11. Jichun Liu, Ruirui Huang, Xiao Xu*, Yuyan Yang, Junyong Liu, Reliability service-based strategies for improving electricity retailer competitiveness using a novel heuristic algorithm, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 434: 139798.

  12. Li Pan, Xiao Xu*, Yuyan Yang, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Distributionally robust economic scheduling of a hybrid hydro/solar/pumped-storage system considering the bilateral contract flexible decomposition and day-ahead market bidding, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 428: 139344.

  13. Wen Zheng, Xiao Xu*, Yuan Huang, Feng Zhu, Yuyan Yang, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Adaptive robust scheduling optimization of a smart commercial building considering joint energy and reserve markets, Energy, 2023, 283: 28930.

  14. Li Pan, Xiao Xu*, Junyong Liu, Weihao Hu, Adaptive robust scheduling of a hydro/photovoltaic/pumped-storage hybrid system in day-ahead electricity and hydrogen markets, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 95: 104571.

  15. Jun Wang, Xiao Xu*, Lan Wu, Qi Huang, Zhe Chen, Weihao Hu, Risk-averse based optimal operational strategy of grid-connected photovoltaic/wind/battery/diesel hybrid energy system in the electricity/hydrogen markets, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48 (2): 4631-4648.

  16. Jun Wang, Xiao Xu*, Hongyan Li, Hongmei Chen, Two-stage robust optimization of thermal-ESS units scheduling under wind uncertainty, Energy Reports, vol. 8, 2022: 1147-1155.

  17. Xiao Xu, Weihao Hu, Wen Liu, Zhenyuan Zhang, Yuefang Du, Zhe Chen, Sayed Abulanwar, Optimal operational strategy for a future electricity and hydrogen supply system in a residential area, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 47 (7), 2022: 4426-4440.

  18. Xiao Xu, Weihao Hu, Wen Liu, Yuefang Du, Qi Huang, Zhe Chen, Robust energy management for an on-grid hybrid hydrogen refueling and battery swapping station based on renewable energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 331, 2022: 129954.

  19. Weihao Hu, Qiuwei Wu, Amjad Anvari‐Moghaddam, Junbo Zhao, Xiao Xu, Sayed Mohamed Abulanwar, Di Cao, Applications of artificial intelligence in renewable energy systems, IET Renewable Power Generation, 2022, 16(7): 1279-1282. (Special Issue)








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