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20216-至今,DB彩票-DB官网 ,副教授/博士生导师,刘天琪教授课题组

20209-20215月,DB彩票-DB官网 ,副教授/硕士生导师,刘天琪教授课题组

20206-20208月,DB彩票-DB官网 ,副研究员/硕士生导师,刘天琪教授课题组

20187-20205月,四川大学电气信息DB彩票 ,副研究员,刘天琪教授课题组

20149-20186月,四川大学电气信息DB彩票 ,博士研究生,导师:刘天琪教授

201510-201711月,克拉克森大学交流访问,联合培养博士,导师:Lei Wu教授

20119-20146月,四川大学电气信息DB彩票 ,硕士研究生,导师:舒勤教授

20079-20116月,四川大学电气信息DB彩票 ,本科,电气工程及其自动化



[F18] 提升极端灾害下气电联合配网韧性的协同调控与规划优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,20231-202612月。

[F17] 提升方式计算分析质效的电网安全稳定智能分析关键技术研究及应用,国网总部科技项目,主持,202210-20259月。

[F16] 江苏电试院气-电联合一体化安全分析评估系统开发服务,江苏远致能源科技有限公司,主持,20225-202312月。

[F15] 计及碳交易的园区综合能源系统源荷储协调优化运行,华北电力大学新能源电力系统国家重点实验室开放课题,主持,20221-202312月。

[F14] 促进大规模新能源消纳的电网侧共享储能定价机制与规划投资决策研究,国网宁夏电力有限公司经济技术研究院,主持,20221-202312月。

[F13] 电动汽车充电站与主动配电网协调优化规划与运行研究,国网宁夏电力有限公司经济技术研究院,主持,20217-20236月。

[F12] 金沙江上游川藏段水光互补调度运行技术研究,中国电科院,主持,20215-20226月。

[F11] 考虑冷热气电多能源联合需求响应的区域综合能源系统分布鲁棒规划方法,四川省科技厅省院省校合作项目,主持,20214-20233月。

[F10] 考虑需求响应和可靠性的气电联合配网分布鲁棒规划方法,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,20211-202312月。

[F9] 提升输电灵活性和新能源接纳的输电网规划技术研究,国网宁夏电力有限公司经济技术研究院,主持,20191-202112月。

[F8] 高水电比重电力电量平衡方法研究及在西南电网中的应用-算法及模型研究,中国电力工程顾问集团西南电力设计院有限公司,主持,20191-202112月。

[F7] 考虑大规模新能源接入的气电联合系统鲁棒协调优化调度,四川大学引进人才项目,主持,20188-20217月。

[F6] 青峰岭新能源培训基地建设方案可行性研究项目,四川电力职业技术DB彩票 青峰岭教学电厂项目,主持,20187-20196月。

[F5] 弱送端电网多能源接入系统运行风险评估及优化调度技术研究,国家电网公司项目,主研,201712-201912月。

[F4] Improving Energy Reliability by Co-Optimization Planning for Interdependent Electricity and Natural Gas Infrastructure Systems,美国自然科学基金项目,主研,20161-201911月。

[F3] Multi-Stage and Multi-Timescale Robust Co-Optimization Planning for Reliable and Sustainable Power Systems,美国能源部项目,主研,20169-20199月。

[F2] 高水电比重的电力电量平衡软件研究及其软件开发,西南电力设计院项目,主研,20151-20183月。

[F1] 多源互补源网协调优化调度理论及方法的研究,甘肃省电力公司项目,主研,20146-20159月。



[J32] Haocheng Hua, Chuan He*, Tianqi Liu, Xuan Liu, and Lei Wu, “On the Solution to Optimal Topology Adjustment in Long-term Power System Operation With Explicit Short-Circuit Current Limitation Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, (Early Access).

[J31] Baorui Chen, Tianqi Liu, Xuan Liu, Chuan He*, Lu Nan, Lei Wu, Xueneng Su, and Jian Zhang, “A Wasserstein Distance-based Distributionally Robust Chance-constrained Clustered Generation Expansion Planning Considering Flexible Resource Investments,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, (Early Access).

[J30] Xiangmei Lyu, Tianqi Liu, Xuan Liu, Chuan He*, Lu Nan, Hong Zeng, “Low-carbon Robust Economic Dispatch of Park-level Integrated Energy System Considering Price-based Demand Response and Vehicle-to-Grid,” Energy, 2023,263:125739.

[J29] 王沿胜, 何川*,刘绚,南璐,刘天琪.考虑极端灾害下系统韧性约束的气电联合配网分布鲁棒扩展规划[J].工程科学与技术,2023,55(01):80-92.

[J28] 卿玉良,刘天琪,刘绚, 何川*,南璐.考虑多等级加固的气电联合配网系统韧性鲁棒提升策略研究[J].电网技术,2022,46(12):4938-4949.

[J27]Haocheng Hua, Tianqi Liu, Xuan Liu, Chuan He*, Lei Wu, Lu Nan, and Xueneng Su, “Optimal Allocation and Sizing of Fault Current Limiters Considering Transmission Switching With an Explicit Short Circuit Current Formulation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, , vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1322-1335, 2023.

[J26]Baorui Chen, Tianqi Liu, Xuan Liu, Chuan He*, Lu Nan, Lei Wu, and Xueneng Su, “Distributionally Robust Coordinated Expansion Planning for Generation, Transmission, and Demand Side Resources Considering the Benefits of Concentrating Solar Power Plants,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1205-1218, 2023.

[J25]Yuliang Qing, Tianqi Liu, Chuan He*, Lu Nan, Guicen Dong, Weikai Gao, and Yingqian Yu, Low-carbon Coordinated Scheduling of Integrated Electricity-Gas Distribution System With Hybrid AC/DC Network [J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 2566-2578, 2022.

[J24]Y. Yin, T. Liu, C. He*, and L. Wu, “Risk-averse Stochastic Midterm Scheduling of Thermal-Hydro-Wind System: A Network-Constrained Clustered Unit Commitment Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1293-1304, 2022.



[J21]M. Khan, C. He*, T. Liu, and F. Ullah, “A New Hybrid Approach of Clustering Based Probabilistic Decision Tree to Forecast Wind Power on Large Scales,” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 697-710, 2021.


[J19] 南璐,何川*,刘天琪.考虑风光出力不确定性的电–气互联系统脆弱线路辨识[J].中国电机工程学报,2022,42(02):524-537.

[J18] 陈保瑞,刘天琪,何川*,胡晓通,苏学能.考虑需求响应的源网荷协调分布鲁棒长期扩展规划[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(20):6886-6900.

[J17] 刘天琪,张琪,何川*.考虑气电联合需求响应的气电综合能源配网系统协调优化运行[J].中国电机工程学报,2021,41(05):1664-1677.

[J16] X. Hu, T. Liu, and C. He*, Y. Ma, Y. Su, H. Yin, F. Wang, L. Tolbert, S. Wang, Y. Liu, Real-time power management technique for microgrid with flexible boundaries, IET Generation, Transmission & Distributionvol. 14, no. 16, pp. 3161-3170, 2020.

[J15] 刘天琪,卢俊,何川*,谢彦祥.考虑联合热电需求响应与高比例新能源消纳的多能源园区日前经济调度[J].电力自动化设备,201939(08):261-268.

[J14] 刘天琪,曾红,何川*,苏学能,胡晓通,艾青,卢俊.考虑电转气设备和风电场协同扩建的气电互联综合能源系统规划[J].电力自动化设备,2019,39(08):144-151.

[J13] Y. Yin, T. Liu, and C. He*, “Day-ahead stochastic coordinated scheduling for thermal-hydro-wind-photovoltaic systems,” Energyvol. 187, 115944, 2019.

[J12] C. He, X. Zhang, T. Liu, and L. Wu, “Distributionally Robust Scheduling of Integrated Gas-Electricity Systems With Demand Response,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 3791-3803, 2019. (SCI期刊)

[J11] L. Nan, T. Liu, L. Wu, and C. He*, “Identification of Transmission Sections based on Power Grid Partitioning,” Int. Trans. Electr. Energy Syst., 2019, 29(4): e2793.

[J10] C. He, X. Zhang, T. Liu, L. Wu, and M. Shahidehpour, “Coordination of Interdependent Electricity Grid and Natural Gas Network – A Review,” Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 23-26, 2018.

[J9] C. He L. WuT. Liu, W. Wei, and C. Wang, Co-optimization scheduling of interdependent power and gas systems with electricity and gas uncertainties, Energyvol. 159, pp. 1003-1015, 2018.

[J8] C. He C. DaiL. Wu, and T. Liu, Robust Network Hardening Strategy for Enhancing Resilience of Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Distribution Systems Against Natural Disasters, IEEE Trans. Power Syst.vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 5787-5798, 2018.

[J7] C. He, L. Wu, T. Liu, and Z. Bie, “Robust Co-optimization Planning of Interdependent Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with a Joint N-1 and Probabilistic Reliability Criterion,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 2140-2154, 2018.

[J6] C. He, L. Wu, T. Liu, and M. Shahidehpour, “Robust Co-Optimization Scheduling of Electricity and Natural Gas Systems via ADMM,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 658-670, 2017.

[J5] C. He, T. Liu, L. Wu, and M. Shahidehpour, “Robust Coordination of Interdependent Electricity and Natural Gas Systems in Day-Ahead Scheduling for Facilitating Volatile Renewable Generations via Power-to-Gas Technology,” J. Mod. Power Syst. Clean Energy, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 375-388, 2017.

[J4] C. He, Q. Shu, T. Liu, and X. Han, “A Time-Domain Statistical Approach for Harmonics Separation and Analysis,” Int. Trans. Electr. Energy Syst., vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1-18, 2017.

[J3] C. He and Q. Shu, “Separation and Analyzing of Harmonics and Inter-Harmonics Based on Single Channel Independent Component Analysis,” Int. Trans. Electr. Energy Syst., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 169-179, 2015.

[J2] 何川,刘天琪,胡晓通,李茜,李兴源. 基于超短期风电预测和混合储能的风电爬坡优化控制[J]. 电网技术,2017,41(03):782-790.

[J1] 何川,舒勤,李旻,基于改进单通道FastICA的谐波与间谐波检测[J],电网技术,201337(10) 2925-2964



现担任国内EI期刊《电力系统保护与控制》青年编委,《宁夏电力》编委,IEEE PES中国区技术委员会综合能源系统分委会常务理事;IEEE PES中国区技术委员会大电网规划技术分委会常务理事;IEEE PES中国区技术委员会电网运行规划新兴技术分委会常务理事。担任IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,IEEE Power Engineering Letters,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,Applied Energy,Energy,Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy,CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems等多个电力系统期刊审稿人



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