黄小龙 副教授/博导
Email: [email protected]
参与IEEE P2753和IEEE P2752国际标准制定工作(组织单位代表)
31届国际真空放电及绝缘会议组委会秘书(31st ISDEIV LOC Secretary)
中国电机工程学会高级会员,中国电工技术学会高级会员,IEEE Member,CIGRE会员,中国能源研究会会员
《Applied Physics Letters》,《Plasma Sources Science and Technology》,《Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics》,《IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery》,《Physics of Plasmas》,《IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science》,《Vacuum》,《工程科学与技术》,《高电压技术》,《电测与仪表》等期刊审稿人
序号 |
项目名称 |
项目来源 |
执行年限 |
备注 |
20 |
252千伏大容量真空开断型全封闭组合电器关键技术研究 |
南方电网重大科技专项 |
2024-2026 |
主持 |
19 |
环境友好型高压真空电力开关设备应用基础研究 |
国家自然科学基金区域联合重点 |
2024-2027 |
排名2 |
18 |
基于信息融合的开关典型动作故障检测技术研究 |
上海电科院 |
2023-2025 |
主持 |
17 |
电磁轨道炮膛口电弧与引弧角相互作用研究 |
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目 |
2023-2025 |
主持 |
16 |
基于强迫过零技术的直流开断真空电弧燃弧特性及其调控机理研究 |
四川省科技厅 |
2023-2023 |
主持 |
15 |
树线放电故障识别技术研究 |
四川电科院 |
2022-2023 |
主持 |
14 |
基于C4F7N混合气体的126kV断路器设计与试验验证研究及样机试制 |
云南电科院 |
2022-2024 |
主持 |
13 |
实际横向磁场影响下的真空电弧特性及调控措施研究 |
省部共建电工装备可靠性与智能化国家重点实验室 |
2022-2023 |
主持 |
12 |
变压器中典型缺陷局部放电分析及微水对油纸绝缘老化的影响评估 |
四川电科院 |
2021-2022 |
主持 |
11 |
三相油浸式配电变压器内部振源与信号传递特性研究 |
电网环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金 |
2020-2021 |
主持 |
10 |
六氟化硫等非二温室气体控制相关标准研究 |
中华人民共和国生态环境部 |
2020-2021 |
川大负责人 |
9 |
C4F7N混合气体在击穿、电弧放电情况下的分解物及对电极、密封材料的相容性试验研究 |
西北工业大学 |
2020-2021 |
主持 |
8 |
真空电弧中阳极射流的微观粒子输运特性与演化机理研究 |
国家自然科学基金青年基金 |
2020-2022 |
主持 |
7 |
全局磁场作用下多组份真空电弧三维特性研究 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
2019-2022 |
联合申报,川大负责人 |
6 |
特高压直流电弧仿真模型研究 |
西南交通大学 |
2019-2020 |
主持 |
5 |
老化对XL电力电缆火灾行为特征影响研究 |
四川省电力公司 |
2019-2020 |
主持 |
4 |
组合电器内部温度振动的数据关联性研究技术服务 |
四川省南充供电公司 |
2018-2020 |
主持 |
3 |
基于断路器控制回路检测的高压断路器机械状态检测和诊断方法研究 |
广州供电局 |
2018-2020 |
主持 |
2 |
中央高校基本科研业务费项目 |
四川大学 |
2018-2021 |
主持 |
1 |
变压器故障状态下噪声特性研究 |
电网环境保护国家重点实验室开放基金 |
2018-2019 |
主持 |
25. Xiaolong Huang, Shuangwei Zhao; Huikai Xu; Jiayi Song; Haibo Su; Wenjun Ning; Lihua Zhao; Shenli Jia*, Numerical Study of Large Contact Diameter and Gap High Current Vacuum Arc, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2024.
24. Xiaolong Huang, Shangyu Yang, Zhiyun Wu, Haibo Su, Lihua Zhao, Wenjun Ning, Shenli Jia*, Investigation of the spatial distribution characteristics of multiple species in a vacuum arc, Physics of Plasmas, 2023.
23. Yiduo Xie (本科生), Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Tao Sun, Junhu Xie, Lihua Zhao, Yuezheng Wu, Wenjun Ning, and Lijun Wang,Design and Study of the Key Characteristics of a New DC Vacuum Interrupter with a High Peak and Low Residual Magnetic Field,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2023.
22. Wenjun Ning, Hao Shang, Yiwei Ji, Ronghui Li, Lihua Zhao, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Shenli Jia, Global model of plasma‐activated water over long time scale: Pulsed discharge and afterglow, High Voltage, 2022.
21. Xiaolong Huang, Tao Sun, Yuezheng Wu, Shangyu Yang, Lihua Zhao, Yiduo Xie, Wenjun Ning*, Lijun Wang, Study of vacuum arc plasma transport characteristics during the DC interrupting process, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022.
20. Lihua Zhao, Yuezheng Wu, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Guo Hong, Junwen Ren, Wenjun Ning, Lijun Wang, Tao Sun, Shangyu Yang, Research on the Temperature Rise Characteristics of Medium-Voltage Switchgear Under Different Operation Conditions, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022.
19. Shuangwei Zhao (本科生), Lihua Zhao, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Weiwei Chen, Wenjun Ning, Lijun Wang, Model and simulation investigation of the whole process of high-current vacuum arc burning, AIP Advances, 2021.
18. Lihua Zhao, Weiwei Chen, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Junwen Ren, Wenjun Ning, Lijun Wang, Huimin Zhuang, Qingzhou Wu, Numerical Investigation on the influence of metal particles on the characteristics of high-current vacuum arc, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021.
17. Lihua Zhao, Zelong Wang, Haiyi Zhu, Guo Hong, Junwen Ren, Wei Long, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Study on Temperature Rise Characteristics of GIS Disconnector under Different Operating Conditions, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020.
16. Lihua Zhao, Guo Hong, Zelong Wang, Weiwei Chen, Wei Long, Junwen Ren, Zhong Wang, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Research on Fault Vibration Signal Features of GIS Disconnector Based on EEMD and Kurtosis Criterion, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020.
15. Zhao, Lihua; Gou, Hangyuan; Yang, Mengjie; Hong, Guo; Bai, Xueyan; Huang, Xiaolong*(通讯作者); Ren, Junwen; Ning, Wenjun; Wang, Lijun, Numerical investigation on the influence of circuit breaker structure parameters on vacuum arc behaviors, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020.
14. Xiaolong Huang, Lihua Zhao, Xueyan Bai, Zhong Wang, Wenjun Ning, Lijun Wang, Junwen Ren*, Study on the influence of metal particle on the characteristics of high-current vacuum arc plasma, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2020.
13. Xiaolong Huang, Haiyi Zhu, Mengjie Yang, Lihua Zhao, Zelong Wang, Hangyuan Gou, Junwen Ren*, Numerical Investigation of Magnetic Field in AMF Vacuum Arc Switch with Transverse Magnetic Field from Three-Phase Structure, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2020.
12. Lihua Zhao, Haiyi Zhu, Hangyuan Gou, Junwen Ren, Zhong Wang, Wenjun Ning, Lijun Wang, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Modeling and Simulation of the Influence of Contact Structure on the Characteristics of High Current Vacuum Arc Plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 2020.
11. Lihua Zhao, Zelong Wang, Fangfei Su, Xueyan Bai, Junwen Ren, Tingting Wang, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Research on Magnetic Field Distribution between Electrodes in Vacuum Interrupter, IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2020.
10. Lihua Zhao, Hangyuan Gou, Mengjie Yang, Junwen Ren, Xueyan Bai, Lijun Wang, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), 3D modeling and simulation of high-current vacuum arc subjected to real external transverse magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas, 2020.
9. Lihua Zhao, Lei Yan, Chengmei Wei, Qihan Li, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Zelong Wang, Mingli Fu, Junwen Ren*, Synergistic Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites with Boron Nitride Nanosheets and Microspheres, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020.
8. Junwen Ren, Qihan Li, Lei Yan, Lichuan Jia, Xiaolong Huang*(通讯作者), Lihua Zhao, Qichao Ran*, Mingli Fu, Enhanced thermal conductivity of epoxy composites by introducing graphene@boron nitride nanosheets hybrid nanoparticles, Materials and Design, 2020.
7. Lijun Wang*, Xiaolong Huang(导师一作), Xiao Zhang, Shenli Jia, Modeling and simulation of high-current vacuum arc considering the micro process of anode vapor, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017.
6. Xiaolong Huang, Lijun Wang*, Jie Deng, Shenli Jia, Kang Qin, Zongqian Shi, Modeling of the anode surface deformation in high-current vacuum arcs with AMF contacts, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016.
5. Xiaolong Huang*, Lijun Wang, Shenli Jia, Zhonghao Qian, Jie Deng, Zongqian Shi, Numerical Simulation of Thermal Characteristics of Anode by Pure Metal and CuCr Alloy Material in Vacuum Arc, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2015.
4. Lijun Wang*, Xiaolong Huang(导师一作), Shenli Jia, Jie Deng, Zhonghao Qian, Zongqian Shi, Hans Schellekens, Xavier Godechot, 3D Numerical Simulation of High Current Vacuum Arc in Realistic Magnetic Fields Considering Anode Evaporation, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015.
3. Lijun Wang*, Xiaolong Huang(导师一作), Shenli Jia, Yu Liu, Shaohuang Shang, Tao Du, Experimental Investigation of Electrode Erosion of Trigatron in Microsecond Arc Discharge Process, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014.
2. Lijun Wang*, Xiaolong Huang(导师一作), Shenli Jia, Xin Zhou, Zongqian Shi, Modeling and Simulation of Deflected Anode Erosion in Vacuum Arcs, Plasma Science and Technology, 2014.
1. Lijun Wang*, Xiaolong Huang(导师一作), Ling Zhang, Shenli Jia, Lilan Hu, Xin Zhou, Zongqian Shi, Transient MHD Modeling and Simulation of High-Current Vacuum Arc Under Three Kinds of Interruption Processes, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013.
2. CIGRE “高压真空开断” Webinar
材料PDF版:WBN053-1 Fundamentals of Current Interruption in High-Voltage Vacuum Circuit Breakers.PDF
1. 2025年第31届国际真空放电及电气绝缘会议(31st International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum,31st ISDEIV)