杨小宝 副研究员 硕士生导师
方向:1.永磁旋转/直线电机设计与控制 2.清洁能源储能与并网
2021.03至今 DB彩票-DB官网
2008.09至2020.10 哈尔滨工业大学 电气工程及其自动化 学士、硕士、博士
[21] B. Luo, X. Yang and Y. Zhou*, Model-Free Predictive Current Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Estimation of Current Variations. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71, no. 8, pp. 8395-8405, Aug. 2024
[20] Y. Chen, X. Wang*, D. Xiao, D. Ma, X. Yang* and Z. Wang, Model Predictive Control of Five-Level Open-End Winding PMSM Drives. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2024.
[19]罗波,周羽,李明贤,杨小宝,曾成碧.基于预测误差补偿的PMSM预测电流控制. 组合机床与自动化加工技术,2024,(02):99-102+109.
[18]刘柯,曾成碧,李明贤,杨小宝,周羽. 轴向磁通永磁同步电机快速等效磁路分析. 电子测量技术,2023,46(24):14-20.
[17]Yang X, Zhou Y*. PM Flux Analysis and Thrust Density Enhancement of A Transverse-flux Flux-reversal Linear Motor for Transportation System. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023.
[16]X. Yang, B. Luo, M. Li, Y. Zhou, K. Liu and Y. Zhu, Robust Model Predictive Current Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Local Model Observer. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE), Wuhan, China, 2023
[15] Yang X, Liu K, Zhou Y, et al. Comparison of Electromagnetic Characteristics between Two Dual-side-type Transverse Flux Linear Motors. 2023 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). IEEE, 2023: 147-152.
[14] Y. Zhou and X. Yang*, Analytical Method to Calculate Inductances of Spoke-Type Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors With Damping Bars. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 8, pp. 8254-8263, Aug. 2023.
[13] Liu, K. Yang, X.* Zhou, Y. Luo, B. Investigation of a Transverse-Flux Flux-Reversal Motor with Consequent-Pole Configuration. Energies 2022, 15, 7469.
[12] X. Yang, B. Luo, Y. Zhou, H. Miao and B. Kou, Cogging Torque Reduction in A Transverse-flux Flux-reversal Permanent Magnet Motor. 2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), Nangjing, China, 2022, pp. 770-775.
[11] X. Yang, Y. Zhou, B. Kou, C. Zeng and H. Miao, Electromagnetic Analysis of a Tubular Transverse Flux Linear Machine with Dual-consequent-pole Configuration, 2021 13th International Symposium on Linear Drives for Industry Applications (LDIA), 2021, pp. 1-5.
[10] Yang X B, Kou B Q, Luo J, et al. A novel dual-consequent-pole transverse flux motor and its analytical modeling. IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021. 68(5):4141-4152.
[9] J. Luo, B. Kou, X. Yang, H. Zhang and L. Zhang, Development, Design, and Analysis of a Dual-Consequent-Pole Transverse Flux Linear Machine for Direct-Drive Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 6097-6108, July 2021.
[8] Yang X B, Kou B Q, Luo J, et al. Electromagnetic design of a dual-consequent-pole transverse flux motor. IEEE transactions on Energy Conversion, 2020, 35(3):1547-1558.
[7] Yang X B, Kou B Q, Luo J, et al. Analysis of a Novel Transverse-flux Machine with Dual-tooth-slot Core Configuration for Direct-drive Applications. 2019 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). IEEE, 2019: 1-4.
[6] 寇宝泉, 杨小宝, 罗俊, et al. 横向磁场磁通反向电机的特性分析. 电工技术学报, 2017, 032(a02):18-25.
[5] Kou B Q, Yang X B, Luo J, et al. Comparison of torque characteristic between two transverse flux motors with passive external rotor structure. 2017 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). IEEE, 2017: 1-4.
[4] Kou B Q, Yang X B, Luo J, et al. Modeling and analysis of a transverse-flux flux-reversal motor. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2016, 31(3): 1121-1131.
[3] Yang X B, Kou B Q, Luo J, et al. Torque characteristic analysis of a transverse flux motor using a combined-type stator core. Applied Sciences, 2016, 6(11): 342.
[2] B Q Kou, J Luo, X B Yang, et al. Modeling and Analysis of a Novel Transverse-Flux Flux-Reversal Linear Motor for Long-Stroke Application. IEEE Transactions onIndustrialElectronics,2016, 63(10): 6238-6248.
[1] Kou B Q, Yang X B, Zhou Y, et al. Analysis and optimization of a novel out-rotor transverse flux motor for direct-drive application. 2016 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS). IEEE, 2016: 1-5.
[10] 杨小宝, 周羽, 罗波,刘柯. 一种并联磁路混合励磁型盘式横向磁通电机.2024-01-23.已授权
[9] 杨小宝, 周羽, 刘柯,罗波. 一种盘式横向磁通磁阻电机[P]. 2024-02-20.已授权
[8] 曾成碧,苏纪豪,杨小宝,苗虹,刘青松,李文涛,吴旭.一种电动汽车的温控系统.2023-11-28.已授权
[7] 杨小宝,周羽,刘柯,罗波. 一种初级铁心交错式双边平板型横向磁通直线电机. 2023-03-17.已授权
[6] 曾成碧,赵昱翔,苗虹,刘青松,杨小宝,陈一涵. 一种新能源汽车电驱系统的优化控制系统及方法. 2023-06-06.已授权
[5] 周羽,杨小宝,王学庆. 一种转子带阻尼条的永磁电机多阻尼回路电感计算方法. 2023-03-10.已授权
[4] 杨小宝,周羽,罗波,刘柯. 一种高推力密度圆筒型横向磁通永磁直线电机. 2022-09-23.已授权
[3] 寇宝泉,杨小宝,谢逸轩,贺铁锐,邵一. 多相磁阻电机:CN104218763A. 已授权
[2] 寇宝泉;杨小宝;张赫;李伟力. 高速大功率永磁同步电机转子:CN2019109058 31.6.已授权
[1] 寇宝泉;杨小宝;曹海川;白相林. 双机械端口机电能量变换器:CN201310156934.X. 已授权
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,垂直运输系统用高推力密度***直线电机研究, 2022-01至2024-12,主持
[2] 四川省自然科学基金,宽调速范围高转矩密度混合励磁型***电机研究,2023-01至2024-12,主持
[3] 国网科技项目,面向***重力储能系统建模、运行特性分析***,2024-05至2024-12,主持
[4] 四川省重点研发项目,光伏发电并入弱电网的交互建模方法与适应性控制策略研究,参与
[4] 四川省重点研发项目,弱电网环境下光伏并网优化运行控制策略研究,参与
[5] 成都市科技局技术创新研发项目,基于一种新型新能源汽车用永磁辅助同步磁阻电机的控制策略研究,参与
[6] 四川省重点研发项目,高比例可再生能源接入交直流混联智能电网的运行优化方法研究,参与
[7] 其他项目,模块化直线伺服电机研发、直流微电网的建模及控制技术研发、推进电机驱动控制技术研发、永磁电机先进控制算法研发,等,负责
[1] 周羽,杨小宝,徐伟译. 永磁电机设计与应用(第三版)(Jacek F.Gieras教授著), 机械工业出版社, ISBN 978-7-111-71915-1.