向国菲 副研究员/硕士生导师
团队: 四川大学感知、控制与智能机器人研究团队(PMCIRI.Lab)
专业: 控制科学与工程,机器人,人工智能
方向: 机器人学习与智能进化,软体机器人,多机器人系统
地址: 四川省成都市一环路南一段24号四川大学望江校区基础教学楼B208,高压楼301
邮箱: [email protected]
邮编: 610065
As a robotics researcher, my goal is to challenge conventional notions of what robots can achieve. Standing in the intersection of machine learning and control theory, the robotics research of our times has come to a turning point.
I strive to push the limits of robotics by bridging machine learning and control theory in a unified framework, to develop intelligent robots that possess agility, stability, safety, robustness, and trustworthiness.
Through my research, I aim to expand the capabilities of robots and transform how they can be used in a variety of fields. Ultimately, my goal is to change people's perceptions of robots and demonstrate the true potential of this exciting technology.
[1] 四川省自然科学基金,面向复杂非结构化环境的移动柔性臂高效自主学习与控制研究,主持,在研
[2] 中央高校基本科研,基于迁移强化学习的 GIS 巡检机器人高效智能学习与控制策略研究,主持,在研
[3] 特种车辆设计制造集成技术全国重点实验室开放基金,JG2022119,主持,在研
[4] 企业合作,隧道内部结构智能化全预制拼装技术与装备智能控制系统研发,主持,在研
[5] 四川省人社厅博士后特别资助,面向苛刻电力作业环境的机器人自主学习与控制一体化研究,主持,已结题
[6] 科技部国家重点研发计划,面向电力行业的作业机器人系统研究及应用—GIS检修机器人技术研究,参与,已结题
[7] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,泛在信息制造环境下的机器人群智视觉交互与优化控制,参与,已结题
[8] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划,人机共融环境下机器人基于完备特征集的意图识别与智能进化,参与,已结题
[1] Xiang Guofei, Su Jianbo. Task-oriented deep reinforcement learning for robotic skill acquisition and control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021, 51(2): 1056-1069.
[2] Xiang Guofei, Dian Songyi, Zhao Ning, et al. Semantic-structure-aware multi-level information fusion for robust global orientation optimization of autonomous mobile robots[J]. Sensors, 2023, 23(3): 1125.
[3] Xiang Guofei, Dian Songyi, Du Shaofeng, et al. Variational information bottleneck regularized deep reinforcement learning for efficient robotic skill adaptation[J]. Sensors, 2023, 23(2): 762.
[4] Xiao Quan, Xiang Guofei*, Chen Yuanke, et al. Time-optimal trajectory planning of flexible manipulator moving along multi-constraint continuous path and avoiding obstacles[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(1): 254.
[5] Xiang Guofei, Su Jianbo. Interactive natural motion planning for robot systems based on representation space[J]. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2020, 12(2): 345-354.
[6] Xiang Guofei, Su Jianbo. A Heuristic algorithm for robustly stable generalized disturbance observer synthesis with closed loop consideration[J]. ISA Transactions, 2019, 90: 147-156.
[7] Fang Hongwei, Zhu Yuqi, Dian Songyi, Xiang Guofei*, et al. Robust tracking control for magnetic wheeled mobile robots using adaptive dynamic programming[J]. ISA transactions, 2022, 128: 123-132.
[8] Xiang Guofei, Huang Yao, Yu Jingrui, Zhu Mingde, Su Jianbo. Intelligence evolution for service robot: An ADRC perspective[J]. Control Theory and Technology, 2018, 16(4): 324-335.
[9] Xiang Guofei, Su Jianbo. Generalized disturbance observer synthesis using a two-stage heuristic algorithm[C]. The 13th ASME/IEEE International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6 - 9, 2017.
[10] Xiang Guofei, Su Jianbo. High performance DC servo system design based on scheduled disturbance observer[C]. The 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC WC), Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017.
[11] Wang Lu, Su Jianbo, Xiang Guofei. Robust motion control system design with scheduled disturbance observer[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, 63(10): 6519-6529.
[12] 苏剑波, 陈叶飞, 马哲, 黄瑶,向国菲. 从AlphaGo到BetaGo—–基于任务可完成性分析的定性人工智能的定量实现[J]. 控制理论与应用, 2016, 33(12):1572-1583.
[1] 向国菲; 佃松宜; 朱雨琪; 王铭敏; 卓越; 林春刚; 王华; 邹翀 ; 用于盾构隧道弧形件安装机的抗扰同步步态控制方法, 2022-03-19, 中国, ZL202210273876.8
[2] 佃松宜; 向国菲; 王铭敏; 朱雨琪; 卓越; 林春刚; 王华; 邹翀 ; 盾构隧道内对预制中隔墙进行位姿测量的设备及方法, 2022-04-23, 中国, ZL202210432377.9
[3] 佃松宜; 向国菲; 肖权; 廖亮; 王红莉; 朱雨琪 ; 爬壁式管道外表面环抱检查/清理机器人及管道表面清理方法, 2021-06-19, 中国, ZL202110681429.1
[4] 佃松宜; 肖权; 向国菲; 廖亮; 王红莉; 卓越; 林春刚; 王华; 邹翀 ; 基于多传感信息融合的盾构隧道中隔墙定位抓取系统及方法, 2022-05-08, 中国, ZL202210495503.5
[5] 佃松宜; 马丛俊; 向国菲; 刘佳鑫; 黄显伟; 杨家勇; 李胜川; 周桂平; 李勇; 郭锐 ; 一种GIS水平腔体检修机器人及GIS水平腔体检修系统, 2022-02-12, 中国, ZL202210130718.7
担任IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, ISA Transactions 等期刊审稿人。