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1.Xiaomei Ren,et al. MUAP extraction and classification based on wavelet transform and ICA for EMG decomposition, Medical& Biomedical Engineering & Computing, 2006

2.Xiaomei Ren,et al. Noise reduction based onICAdecomposition and wavelet transform for the extraction of motor unit action potentials, Journal of Neuroscience Methods

3. Xiao Hu, Zhizhong Wang,Xiaomei Ren. Classification of surface EMG signal using relative wavelet packet energy. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

4.Xiaomei Ren,et al. Independent Component Analysis and Wavelet Decomposition Technique for the Detection of Motor Unit Action Potentials, On: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual ConferenceShanghai

5.Xiaomei Ren,et al. MUAP Classification Based on Wavelet Packet and Fuzzy Clustering Technique,The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(iCBBE 2009), In Beijing, China.

6.任小梅,王志中,胡晓. 基于小波变换和ICA方法的肌电信号分解,数据采集与处理,2006年第三期第272-276页 (EI检索,核心期刊,第一作者)

7.Xiaomei Ren,Site Mo , Hua Huang, Lihua Deng,Resolving Superimposed Action Potentials for EMG Signal Decomposition,The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering(iCBBE 2010), In Chengdu, China.

8.任小梅,杨刚,基于模糊聚类技术的肌电信号完全分解算法,《计算机应用》 ,2016 ,36 (3) :878-882

9.任小梅,钱宏,肖正华等,基于谷氨酰胺酶交联明胶水凝胶的脂肪干细胞的培养研究,《中国修复重建外科杂志》 ,2016 (12) :1532-1537

10.Xiaomei Ren1, Chuan Zhang2,3, Xuhong Li4, Gang Yang1, Thomas Potter2, Yingchun Zhang, Intramuscular EMG Decomposition Basing on MUAPs Detection and Superposition Resolution, Frontiers in Neurology, 2018(2)

11.YANZ guo, WANG Zhi-zhong,REN Xiao-mei, Joint application of feature extraction based on EMD-AR strategy and multi-class classifier based on LS-SVM in EMG motion classification,JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A, 2007年,Vol: 8 Issue: 8 Pages: 1246-1255

12. HU Xiao,WANG Zhizhong,REN Xiaomei. Classification of surface EMG signal with fractal dimension. Journal of ZhejiangUniversity SCIENCE

13. Hu Xiao, Wang Zhizhong,Ren Xiaomei. Classification of forearm action surface EMG signals based on fractal dimension. Journal ofSoutheastUniversity

14. WANG Gang,REN Xiao-mei, LI Lei, WANG Zhi-zhong, Multifractal analysis of surface EMG signals for assessing muscle fatigue during static contractions . Journal ofZhejiangUniversitySCIENCE A.

15.Gang Yang, Zhenghua Xiao,Xiaomei Ren, et al. Enzymatically crosslinked gelatin hydrogel promotes the proliferation of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells,Peerj,2016,4(9)

16.Gang Yang, Zhenghua Xiao,Xiaomei Ren, et al. Obtaining spontaneously beating cardiomyocyte-like cells from adipose-derived stromal vascular fractions cultured on enzymecrosslinked gelatin hydrogels,Scientific reports,2017 ,7 :41781

17. Gang Yang, Haiyan Long,Xiaomei Ren, et al. Regulation of adipose-tissue-derived stromal cell orientation and motility in 2D- and 3D-cultures by direct-current electrical eld,The Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists,Development Growth & Differentiation ,2017 ,59 (2) :70-82


1、作用于体外培养细胞的可调双相脉冲电刺激电路,实用新型专利,杨刚、龙海燕、郭应强、任小梅、肖正华、钱宏,2016年,专利号:ZL 2016 2 0446910.7


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